ASENSERI is a boutique that mainly focuses on handmade accessories around the world, the products range from eyewear, headwear, earring, bracelet, belt, and more. The philosophy of ASENSERI is discovering the best of the best products with no confines. ASENSERI is currently focusing on hand crafted supreme quality merchandises from U.S.A., Japan and Taiwan, and hopefully more merchandises from other countries will be carried by ASENSERI in the near future. ASENSERI boutique is featured with all kinds of element, and it stands out in the market by providing superb products to Taiwan consumers.

The boutique name ASENSERI originally came from ACCESSORY, basically it's a combination of SENSE and ACCESSORY, with SENSE hidden in the name and pronounce A-SENSE-RI. The idea is ASENSERI hopes to build an environment with best accessories for best sense customers.

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