


"在那邊一直POST KONY 2012的全都看看,KONY早在2006年就離開烏干達了,別被任何組織濫用你的同情心了,invisible children也只有把大約30%的捐款捐出去。"


首先,任何事情或組織團體發起的活動,我相信一定有正反兩個意見。但我選擇相信著人性本善,我看了 KONY 2012 影片,我不知道自己能做些甚麼?所以我選擇讓更多人知道,我選擇小額的捐款。但我不會去懷疑組織拿了捐款去做甚麼事情。因為我知道就算我有錢也未必能有能力可以發起這樣的活動去幫助人。

會有這種言論和想法是沒有福報的人,這種人根本沒有同情心,更不可能從口袋拿錢出來捐款。既然你沒有同情心又不捐款,您又憑甚麼在沒有任何證據的情況下去質疑別人呢?大約30%的捐款捐出去?Jason Russell 跟您說的嗎?


KONY2012的影片中清楚表示Joseph Kony已不在烏干達而到處竄逃。非洲國家幾個世紀存在的問題的確無法用一個簡單的行動去制止。抓了Joseph Kony,一定會有更多的Joseph Kony出現。但影片想要做的不是去強調烏干達有多危險,而是像Joseph Kony這樣的人一定要繩之於法。用網路串連的力量去開創新時代的公平正義力量。當這個力量形成,就有辦法去制裁更多在這個世界上各個角落的壞人。




JEDIDIAH JENKINS ,director of ideology for Invisible Children and a major part of the film's production, 提出了他的說法:

One flaw of the internet is how quickly it can disseminate misinformation. The actual number is 37 percent. Thirty-seven percent of our budget goes directly to central African-related programs, about 20 percent goes to salaries and overhead, and the remaining 43 percent goes to our awareness programs. Those include things like flying Ugandans to America to go on cross-country awareness tours we pay for. And our staff in America has to go to Uganda, too. We got criticized for spending $1 million on travel expenses, but getting 130 people around the country and around the world is expensive. But aside from that, the truth about Invisible Children is that we are not an aid organization, and we don’t intend to be. I think people think we’re over there delivering shoes or food. But we are an advocacy and awareness organization.

There’s a rabid hunger to criticize the spending of charities because of abuse in the past. But all of our finances are public record. You can go online and see how much we make. I pay $300 a month in rent and don’t even own a bed. I sleep on the floor. We’re in this because we love it, because this is the job of our dreams.


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